The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint for NCAP to conduct its business and contribute to achieve a more sustainable future. We have chosen 6 of these goals (highlighted below) to focus our actions on what we consider as the most impactful and material for NCAP and our clients. Most importantly these are goals that we at NCAP believe we can genuinely influence in our daily operations and therefore represent actions, not just words.
Taking these 6 SDGs as a compass for our strategy, we have defined our ESG priorities and commitments within 12 Actions. In order to be as impactful, understandable and transparent as possible we have directly linked these 12 actions to our daily operations. Each action therefore falls within the scope of Asset Management, Investment or NCAPs Corporate Operations.
Efficient use of energy & water resources
Improve energy efficiency and water usage in our buildings by supporting the installation of energy optimizing solutions which allow occupiers and owners to monitor and reduce energy consumption. For each building we aim to setup the best dedicated CapEx programs and management structures to oversee targeted energy upgrades such as centralized real-time monitoring meters, optimized ventilation infrastructure, connection to district heating and cooling systems, installation of solar panels, upgrading of insulation, improved airtightness, etc.
To reach the highest possible nationally or internationally recognized ESG certifications for our buildings whether in-use or new constructions. We strive toward targeting ambitious certifications for all our properties to obtain external validation. We particularly focus on certifications in relation to environmental impact (BREEAM, DGNB, Miljöbyggnad, Leed, GRESB, CRREM, etc.) and health and comfort for the users (Fitwel, Well, etc.).
Embrace new and innovative solutions that add value for all stakeholders. We connect with eco-smart solution providers in Scandinavia and Europe to make our buildings more environmentally sustainable, our strategies more flexible and the business case more resistant to market fluctuations.
Waste Management
Work cooperatively with owners, contractors and tenants to reduce the amount of waste from our buildings, be that during construction or in-use. We aim to keep waste to a strict minimum and strive to reuse/recycle where possible. We encourage our tenants to minimize the impact of their waste by organizing efficient sorting and recycling processes.
Health, safety and comfort for building users
Prioritize fire and safety systems and support users with healthy and secure conditions. We aim to create buildings that are considerate to their occupants by implementing building solutions that improve user experience.
Collaboration with municipalities and other local stakeholders
Be in contact with relevant stakeholders e.g municipalities and other local organizations so we can have a say in local development. We also seek opportunities for our buildings that are of benefit to their local communities.
Inclusive management principles
Influenced by a Nordic management culture, NCAP includes all levels of the organization in the strategic directions of the company. We promote a flat hierarchy with direct communication amongst team members who all bring an impactful contribution to the business.
We do not discriminate on the basis of origin, race, gender etc. We welcome professionals who combine a local footprint together with a diverse background and culture. The same applies to our selection of partners, suppliers and external collaborations in our daily work.
Transparency, trust and relevance for our investors
As a transparent local operating partner, our priority is always to understand current market issues and ensure we provide reliable advice to our investors so that they can base their decisions on relevant and accurate information. We advise our investors as soon as changes, risks and opportunities are identified.
Involvement of stakeholders
NCAP will ensure relevant stakeholders are able to share their opinions and views when key decisions need to be made. In a complex environment, we want our key decisions to be made with relevant stakeholder input.
Ethical Standards
NCAP will ensure that third parties meet industry professional and ethical standards. Where possible, this will be documented by certification.
KYC Approach (Know Your Customer)
NCAP ensures that the origin of funds and the ownership structure of parties we are working with are verified and documented.